Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Suicide Killings - The Path to Spiritual Heavenly Bliss or Road to Eternal Damnation ? (Final Part)

(This is the final part of my thoughts on this subject. Too long as usual and nearly never have made to the print.)

The Signs of Times

A week ago, I heard and read the news of another suicide bombing in Iraq which killed about 100 people. There seems to be no end in sight for these deadly killings, especially in Iraq, The tragic deaths and more before them have added chaos, tragedy and a sense of insanity in this world. These are indeed troubling and dark times. I remembered the words of my teacher during a discourse not too long ago, these are the clearest of signs that the "ends of days" are "as near as ever"(only God knows exactly when it will happen). The lives of man have become so worthless and easy to dispose of. People have little regard for the sanctity of life. They blinded themselves from seeing the divine source in each person that God created. They failed to hearken the Words of God:

"Do not take life which God has made sacred".

Is suicide-bombing then an act of self-sacrifice as claimed by those who support it ? Or is it a heinous act that will condemn the soul to eternal purgatory ? I am no imam that can issue a fatwa nor a religiously trained jurist to dissect any legal shariah basis on the matter. These are merely reflections of a heart. The result of a contemplative soul that yearns some answers.

Suicide - A Descent to Absolute Hopelessness

"And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you." He said.

Killing oneself is therefore an abominable sin and clearly forbidden. Even though in recent times, suicide has become a celebrated act, no man of faith doubts it will incur the Wrath of God.

The "experts" in human psychology claimed that the phenomenon of suicide is complex. People kill themselves for a variety of reasons - financial problems, relationship breakdown, loss of loved ones, etc. Except for those who maybe "biologically psychotic", many of those who killed themselves are besieged by a perception that he or she is incapable of working out issues and hold on to a misguided belief that disappearing from the face of the earth is the panacea to all their worldly problems. This perception is usually followed by a state of extreme depression or overwhelming rage before the person descends to the lowest level of human irrationality and kills himself. It is therefore a failure to face head on to life's trials and tribulations. Suicide provides a convenient escape route for all of one's obligations. My teacher told us man by nature will always find excuses for relieving himself of his obligations. Even in the Days of Judgment, the soul will do likewise in the face of his sins before God. The soul would say "How can I truly worship or glorify You, O Lord, when I faced so many trials and tribulations during my earthly existence ?" So God called upon His beloved Prophet Job as testimony. "Look at Job. He was once a wealthy and healthy person before the evil one challenged Me to try him with the worst of tribulations to test the strength of his faith in Me. Job lost everything - his family, wealth and health. Yet he remained patient and steadfast in his faith. How then can you compare your trials and tribulations with his ?"

From The Anti-Thesis of Patience to Greatest Sin

The person who commits suicide also represents the very anti-thesis of a man of patience. The virtue of patience in him is missing. Patience in the midst of adversity. To further remain patient in the face onslaught of trials and tribulations. As a sufi used to say, “To be patient with patience.” The Prophet himself epitomised the highest rank in the station of patience. Throughout his entire life, he manifested patience and composure despite the enormity of problems, even when his life was in danger. My teacher said that a sufi achieves the station of patience(sabr) by virtue of their esteemed knowledge that God "manages everything including his affairs" - Entrust your affairs in the Hands of the One that Manages all affairs and everything will take its course and pass. There will be a solution to all your problems. That is the real meaning of total submission and surrender. But if you choose to "seize control" and believe that you alone can handle your affairs, then God will leave that to you and that is when you will be afflicted by your troubles.

As one who denies the Grace of God, the person who commits suicide has succumbed to the gravest and subtlest of sins, shirik. And shirik is the most terrible of sins and remain unforgiven unless one sincerely and truly repents. Remember what the Prophet saw said "Shirik among you(Muslims) is more subtle than the sound of the footsteps of an ant on a rock." So what is the reward for shirik ? Eternal damnation and denial of God's Grace and Mercy in the afterlife when every soul is in need of the Only Sovereign Lord(al-Malik) who is Al-Mani'(The Protector & Preventor of Harm). The souls of those who commit suicide will suffer damnation during barzakh, a realm before our final return to Him.. Once my teacher told us of a story where a sufi met such unfortunate soul roaming back to the “place” where she died. He spoke of how the soul lived in a state of torment - long unkempt hair, eyes reddened by continuous cries of regret for her last forbidden earthly act. When he asked her what happened, she said "I had committed suicide". She begged the sufi to pray for God's forgiveness for her. But the sufi said that he could not help her as her act represented the highest denial of God's Existence, His Grace & Love. She must wait for the Day of Judgement to seek His Presence & Mercy.

A Call of Martyrdom or A Death Warrant to Eternal Purgatory ?

What about those who claim that their suicide killings are acts of martyrdom for a noble cause ? Fighting for the rights and protection of the religion ?

But did they not hear what God has said:

"And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you. But do not transgress the limits. Truly Allah loves not the transgressors"

How can one not transgress by self-inflicting injuries and destructions ? How can one not transgress by the killing of innocent civilians including women and children ? How can one not transgress by killing fellow Muslims, who profess the kalimah, “There is no god but Allah” ? How can one not transgress by the destruction of property and animals ? What if those Muslims were their mothers, sisters or wives ?

You do not fight in the way of God by killing yourself. Explosive strapped to the body are obviously intended to kill oneself. So clearly, this cannot be the way of jihad, for even the Prophet and His Companions when engaged in war, they used weapons which were not self-destructing to themselves. When there is wisdom in retreating than engaged in suicidal attacks, they did likewise during the battle of Uhud. When the Prophet knew the odds of the battle was stake against the Muslims, he led the withdrawal of the remaining Muslim warriors to Mount Uhud. He did not engage or encourage his Companions to commit “hara-kiri”.

When the targets of the suicide-killing are innocent civilians, it is invitation to the second cause for damnation. We know that one carries the burdens on those who we sin against. How can we face God’s Wrath when all of those souls whose bodies we killed on this earth, ask for restitutions before God ? How misguided have we become. Worse are those who preach this killing to others as “jihad”. How can they create falsehood in the name of God ? For God says “cursed are those who create falsehood to the words of God”. Surely these preachers are misguided. They will certainly be accountable far greater measure. My teacher used to say that the preacher carries the sins of those under him who were misguided by his teachings. So, if one cannot even imagine the burden of one own sins how could we even fathom the sins of others!

The Story of Prophet Abraham and the unbeliever

What about justification for suicide killings of non-muslims ? My teacher used to remind us again and again of the story of the Prophet Abraham when he refused to give food to an old man who was an unbeliever. Abraham was rebuked by God who said that even He did not stop giving the old man his provisions all those 70 years despite of him disbelieving God. Why then must Abraham deny him food for a day just because of his faith ? If this is how God wants to teach us on how to behave towards others of different spiritual paths with regard to such small matter of provisions, what more with regard to the life itself that He created ? How could we “take away” the lives of others just because they follow a different spiritual path ?

Absolute Faith in God is the Only Beacon of Light

Many of us feel dismayed by this – the war, the terrorist bombing, the plight of the Muslims. But I urged that we keep our absolute faith in God. We must continue to reach God and believe in Him. He is our only Protector. We need to spread the teaching of love and peace that Islam is rich in. The Prophet was delivered to us to spread mercy not hatred. All of us must return to God. Remember why we were created. Seek the divine light within us. Learn from preachers that teaches more than just “the Hell-fire and Garden of Eden” or the “Rewards and Punishment”. Discover the true teacher that spread the message of love and self-knowledge. Eventually we will see the Truth. Insha’allah, God Willing.


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