Why I have not posted anything this last month
It has been a month since I lasted posted in my blog. Actually a lot of things have happened during this time. Events which I could published. However, due to lack of time and the nature of some of these incidents have consumed much of my spiritual and mental strength, that I have decided to let it pass.
In between, I have been doing a little bit Qu'ran reading(some random verses read and the meanings deeply reflected). Most of the time, I have been trying to catch up reading other blogs like SAF Space, Living Tradition and Light of Eminence and Sufism, etc. Insha'allah I will try to post some of the important incidents of the past one month with a view to seek strength and guidance from God, Himself.
Nice blog brother.
It was a surprise for me to know that someone from Singapore had such a wonderful, spiritually rich blog.
Visit my blog as well.
May God bless you and your family with His unlimited grace.
NUS, Singapore
I've just come accross your blog and mashallah its great. pls keep up the good work.
Visit my blog sometime as well
Ahmeds World of Islam
Breathe Islam
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