Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Suicide Killings - The Path to Spiritual Heavenly Bliss or Road to Eternal Damnation ? (Part 1)

This is my first write-up in this blog after almost two months. Since then many things have happened - my wife had her miscarriage, my whole office nearly got moved out of it present premises, later this week I will begin to shift into a new house and London was bombed by terrorists.

This piece of writing first developed after I heard over BBC radio a documentary on the London bombings last July. In that radio broadcast, survivors of the bombings described their horrific experiences of that tragic day. One of them spoke of how the entire thing happened so fast. First, they heard a loud thunderous bang. Then darkness descended the whole carriage. Dust and smell of engine smoke filled the air. It was all so surreal. Another spoke about it like "a baby who has just fallen". Everyone was stunned and silent before the cries and shoutings started moments later.

I was trying to imagine the whole scene. A deep sense of fear and helplessness crept through my veins and bones. The chaotic atmosphere and panic-strickened people flashed across my mind. I was trying to remember similar scenes captured many times on TV of suicide killings in the Middle-East. Once again the lowest, most base and savage of humanity has descended upon us in the worst form of tragedy - an act of babarism that is so revolting and reviling that human reason fails to comprehend.

For me what is most disheartening was when it was alleged that the suicide bombers in London were "Muslims" - radicalised by the idea that theirs were acts of martyrdom. What if they were wrong ? What if instead, their souls were burdened with a grave sin ? How can they appear before God with the sins in their hands ? Whatever it is, we the living Muslims are paying the price. We have become the centre of attention for the wrong reasons. Islam is again put in the media spotlight - from the print media to internet blogs and chatrooms. Islamic terrorists. Muslim extremist. Islam, the religion of hatred. Islam, an evil idealogy. The usual hurls of intolerant and abusive diatribes. Like after 9/11, there were reprisals against mosques and harrassments on individual Muslims. Fortunately there are still decent people out there who believe that this small minority of Muslims do not represent the entire community or "true" Islam.

Why have we crumbled into this state ? There are many arguments put forward on the reasons for the radicalism of disaffected Muslim youths among political commentators as there are many conspiracy theories among disbelieving Muslims. Islamic scholars from both divide, Sunnis and Shias alike, have indulged in theological debates or issued fatwa for or against suicide bombings. There are cries of equal justice for the numerous deaths of civilians in Afghanistan, Palestine or Iraq.

My thoughts here, may add to the whole polemical debates on suicide killings. But that is not my real intention. Like many life riddles, I just wanted to seek peace within my heart. Is the Islam I know and cherished the same as those "killers" ? Would the Prophet I love, had approved of these "acts of martyrdom" ? Would God that I worship "commanded us to kill the kafirs(unbelievers) wherever we can find them" and grant them martyrdom for their murders ? As I pondered the answers to these intriguing questions, I began to remember the story of the creation of Prophet Adam.

Remember when your Lord said to the angels:"Verily, I am going to place mankind
generations after generations on earth. They said" "Will You place therein those who
will make mischief therein and shed blood, while we glorify You with praises and thanks
(exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners) and sanctify You."
Allah said: "I know that which you do not."


At August 22, 2005 7:41 PM, Blogger al-fikri said...

Thanks, Saffiyah. I must say many of your excellent posts have been a source of inspiration for my own writings. Well, the miscarriage was something which affected both of us, but my wife suffered it much more than me, both physically and emotionally. Alhamdulillah, Allah has given the both of us sufficient strength even through this trial and tribulation, and insha'allah we intend to go through another session soon.

At September 05, 2005 7:09 AM, Blogger Ihsan said...

Sorry to hear about that. May Allah bless both of you for your patience and strength.

When I watch people who are on The Path, I can't help but think how absolutely amazing they are, and how they reflect the true meaning of Islam and how RIDICULOUS it'd be for anyone to associate terrorism with Islam if they've met these people.

And it makes me think, also, that I should have been friendlier to the non-Muslims, as I am (we all are) a reflection of Islam, whether I accept it or not.

At September 08, 2005 6:22 PM, Blogger al-fikri said...

Thank you Nurul for the prayers. Life has returned back to normal though we do feel nervous during each visit to the clinic. But God's Will will be done no matter what we do. Knowing that He knows best is good enough for me. Sometimes it is hard but you get over them quickly.

If only man could see and understand the Divine Hands that shape the world of creation, he would realize his existence among others is to spread love and compassion. Only then can he gain the Real Love from the Truth.


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