Sunday, April 17, 2005

Now it all begins…..

Bismillahir Rahmannir Rahimm

In the name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful

Finally my life as a blogger begins after a long time. Joining the millions that have made it to the virtual weblog world. I had waited. Hesitated. Uncertain whether it will serve any purpose. I mean writing bits and pieces of my life for everyone to see ? Hmmm, it has never been something I had contemplated doing before.

Well, what has driven me to this point ? For once, reading some wonderful weblogs has been an inspiration. The carefully thought writings. Beautifully crafted poetry. Rational expression of ideas, views and opinions. Heart warming spiritual counsel. On islam and sufism. Contemporary matters that happens in the world. Or even that simple plain daily personal excitements that captured my imagination and touched my heart.

However, to think of it I have never been a good writer myself. Whether in school or now in adult life. I hardly send my views to any forum. Partly because I was disheartened with constant bickering and those which I deemed unproductive arguments going on in forums . For God's sake, I have never even written a personal diary in my entire life! Would I been too consumed with the literary beauty and merit of my writings that detracts from the substantive message in it ?

But I have discovered that writing could be a form of therapy for me. For my soul that is constantly struggling to find and reach Him. To witness and realise His Being. His existence. His Presence. It helps to fill a void in between the prayer, zikir and contemplation. To break the routine that permeates my mind. To open up a new avenue for self-counsel. The other day, I was reading this article by Ibn 'Arabi. He said(something to this effect), "My master used to note down what his nafs has done throughout the day. I have also picked up the same habit."

I hope this will be a start of something meaningful, insha 'allah.

O God! Please help me, Your weak servant, in my struggle to find, reach and know You. Do not abandon me even for a split second. Shower me with Your Blessings and Grace that I may find happiness in my prayers, tranquility in my supplications and peace in my daily life.


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